Kreativa Eventien

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About Us

About Us

Kretiva Events was founded in late 2009 following a personal experience gained in the organization of corporate events for an Italian franchise.

The theoretical study, with marketing courses, combined with a practical course aimed at the management and planning of events, allowed me to develop some practical skills and to strengthen some innate characteristics.

From this parenthesis has developed the idea of a service dedicated to the world of marriage and events in general, aimed at satisfying the deepest needs of the end customer.

In fact, to be such, the realization of the event must ensure that the guests feel an integral part of it and not mere spectators.

The “pampering” dedicated to guests thus becomes a primary ingredient of Kreativa Eventi events, not a detail in the background:

starting from the basic notions (such as an excellent catering service and the harmonious development of all stages of the event) up to the most sophisticated details (personalized gifts for each guest, search for entertainment solutions calibrated according to the audience) everything must connote the customer style and be easily recognizable by the users.

The emphasis on this aspect is very important: the Kreativa Eventi events, in fact, want to be the most possible true mirror of the expectations, even in terms of layout, of our client. The refined style combined with a sober elegance are our goals, but we never forget who the real protagonist of the event is: YOU!


Emanuela Florio


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Registered office: Via Francia 21/c, 37135 Verona

Operating offices: Desenzano del Garda, Venezia, Bergamo, Castagnito (CN);

Phone numbers

Phone: +39 3393858993

Phone (D. del Garda) : 030 7776787

Phone (Verona) : 045 2456974

FAX: 030.7771642


Contact us directly by filling out the form to get more information!

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    Work with us

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    Required skills:

    • absolute predisposition to human contact, to smile even in situations of high difficulty; education, kindness; availability in terms of schedules and travel (of one, maximum two days);
    • knowledge of English not on a theoretical level, but fluency in speaking;
    • welcome, but not essential, a second language (besides, of course, Italian);
    • very welcome: dexterity and creativity;


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